Charleston, Perma-Liner would like to offer you the trenchless way of plumbing! With this way there is little or absolutely no digging involved. This makes it for an effectively more cost-effective and disruptive process than the traditional “ dig and replace” pipe repair method. Perma-Liner inversion unit dose all the work for you! All the installer has to do is calibrate the correct inversion pressure while the liner inverts itself through the existing host pipe and the certified installer controls the speed to ensure proper installation. A project can be completed in less than one day with the Pema-Lateral System!! If you are in the Charleston area an looking to have some work done to your homes or business or “you” yourself are looking to become a Perma-Liner installer please give us a call and take a look at our web-site for details on our demos near your area. We look forward to hearing for you.
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