A sinkhole can occur when storm water pushes soil into a defective pipe or related structure. As time goes on the ground or pavement above begins to sink or bow. Charleston is seeing this problem a lot this year with all of the rain that we have had. This can be a costly fix, the lateral line is where the problem usually is and that can mean thousands of dollars to repair.
The Perma-Liner Pull-In-Place Lateral System does not require you to tear up floors, walls, or your yard. With its intricate design we can service pipelines from 3”-36” in less than a day and in most cases less than 5 hours and is cost effective and environmentally friendly.
Charleston, call Perma-Liner for all of your pipeline needs. Perma-Liner has the solution call us today at 866-336-2568 or visit our website at www.perma-liner.com.