A man in the City of South Charleston is suing! He claims he was injured when he stepped into a deep hole. James Claims he later learned that the hole was caused by a problem the South Charleston sewer lying underneath the area where the hole was. James claims the City of South Charleston failed to keep the street, sidewalk and public grounds in repair and free from nuisance. Perma-Liner would like to help the City of South Charleston solve this problem. Perma-Liner is offering the best plumbing System out there! NO digging up your roads, sidewalks, landscaping. Perma-Liner can have the plumbing problems solved with in a day’s work an do not have to dig on any occasions ! So if you are in the Charleston area an what to help protect your residents in the area please give Perma-Liner a call or take a look at our web-site with the equipment we use!
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